Monday, December 8, 2008


Thus far, this short journey in Medicine has already provided much insight and revelation to this massively complex entity we term as Life. Through detailed expositions of physiology, anatomy, histology, embryology and the like, I have been increasingly provoked to question the origin of such ingenuity, evidently embodied within our physical manifestation; the human body.

My emotion of conviction is ever-increasing, day by day. It seems that everything invariably leads to the conclusion that Life, as we know it, must be intelligently designed. The more i think about it, the more it seems so. The more i study, the more it seems so. It makes perfect simple sense.

One bright day walking along a road, you encounter a beautiful Tag Hauer along side. It reflects the azure sky in its diamond-crafted surface. The clock-work functions perfectly synchronously. Each hand moves as it should, when it should. By virtue of such perfected complexity, you do not even consider the idea that such an object may have been self assembled through chance. How absurd this idea must be! It is most possibly impossible. Rather, your innate sense immediately assumes; there must be a watch-maker. This watch had to be intelligently designed. Who would say otherwise?

The human body is infinitely more complex then a Tag Hauer. The minute intricacies of cells which harbour mystery and consitute life, the physiological mechanisms which work to contain input and mantain output, the anatomical machinery that produce flexion or dorsiflexion; these are all positively more complex then that of a Tag Hauer. Surely, even a watch maker should not have been able to design such a wonderfully complex machine, if he were human that is.

The more i ponder,
the more ridiculous it seems
to postulate that Life
is merely, most shamefully,
a result of chance.

It is indeed strangely puzzling how we as humans, intelligent sentient beings, excercise huge discrepancies with truth. At times, profound truths which require much intellectual considerance and evidence are accepted undoubtedly, and unfortunately so. Yet most ridiculously so, the fundamental simple truth - that God exists - is unanimously controversial and subject to furious discourse innately. Indeed, the beauty of our existence is that We believe what we want to believe. This is freedom. More aptly, however, we do not believe what we do not want to believe. Therefore, this abhorence for certain truth manifests itself as the illogical - that life came from nothing - . Stragely so, it does take a certain leap of faith to believe this.

Arguably, it is possibly impossible to accurately comprehend the vastness of time - a billion years - and the implications of chance that it entails. As humans we live a relatively instantaneous existance, a minute fraction of that length. Surely it may not be our place as transient beings to judge truthfully as to what time and chance may or may not cause.
As with what intelligence that has been bestowed upon us, however, it is best to draw from our reason the most logical conclusion. Through what we sense empirically, using what science we know and inferring thereof; it is indeed plain "because God has made it plain to them(us). For since the creation of the world his invisible attributes – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, because they are understood through what has been made" - Romans 1:19-20

Here and there. Life is too short to sit on the wall. All belief entails reason, but not only that; all belief requires Faith. Faith is a decision that builds that bridge between what is knowledge, and what is truth. Knowledge exists to others and is impersonal; Truth exists to yourself and yourself only. And truth stems from Faith. When you truly know the truth, "the truth shall set you free." - Jesus.

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